Monday 21 January 2008

Can't Get Over The Full Moon Night ...

“Why do we close our eyes, when we pray, when we cry, when dream… because the most important things in life are not seen but felt by heart.”
In the instant that I read this sms, I smiled and nodded in agreement to myself, ‘how very true’.
Some moments assert that life is beautiful. They are so powerful; they can change the course of one’s life.
I had tears in my eyes. Suddenly, I felt so full of happiness. The cold breeze of November, brushed past my face. I held my shawl closer to keep myself warm. Standing on that boulder made of cement, on which also stood the shrine of Goddess Minal Devi, the world where I came from felt far far away. Suddenly, I was a part of another world. All I wanted to do then was to keep looking at the moon and soak in as much of that world as the seconds trickled by.
The moon- in its full magnitude and grandeur, felt so close, yet so distant!
The uninhabited hill surrounded by plains all around, abundant with cacti didn’t seem wild at all. My mind was at peace. Deep within me, I knew that this was a one-in-a-million experiences.
That moment came to stay. Today, while I think of it, it doesn’t feel like a memory. That night stirred something within me.
My whole body, from forehead to toes, was breaking free of form. The chain of thoughts that our brain forms mechanically were all breaking.
I knew nothing and I knew everything. I shut my eyes once again and a universe of possibilities unfurled itself.


  1. u know...i was seeing a movie yesterday....Morgan Freeman asks Jack Nickolson...have you found joy in life?

    I just thought it was such a profound question...

    And its moments like the ones you have written about i think...wen u know what joy is...

  2. For oft, when on my couch I lie
    In vacant or in pensive mood,
    They flash upon that inward eye
    Which is the bliss of solitude

    there are moments and there are moments. and then there are such moments which remain imprinted. lovely! im sure all of us have felt this at some point of time, and it creeps up on you when you least expect it, but that's the beauty of it!



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