Sunday 12 July 2009

Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be.

For too long now, I have been cribbing. Grumbling away way too much. Inside my head ofcourse! I have always felt that I could have had the best of things in life but then I did not have them! I could have fulfilled all my dreams but they weren't! I could have done all I ever wanted to do but then I never did! Why?

I blamed circumstances for what I was. Freud called it 'defence mechanisms'. To know the reality is different from facing it. Far more difficult and demanding. I was always told how creative I was since childhood. An honest declaration would be that I have always been more of a fantasising kind of a person. Barely ever practical!

I tend to imagine how things in my life should take place, possible conversations, fulfilling my desires. But all this happens only in my head! Then I gape at people around who have it all.( all that I wish for myself.) And then I curse life for being cruel to me!

But recently I have had eye-opening experiences. I recall the words of a close friend, "I am my own destiny". So true. It seems clearly that the time has come for things to start taking shape, for unfulfilled dreams to come true, for long been left blanks to be filled.
Without much difficulty I accept that at core I am indolent. It is very addictive. To push yourself out of your comfort zone is easier said than done.

So it's time I guess to wrap up the covers that have long hidden my dreams beneath them and head to see them take shape!

I don't believe in circumstances anymore. To get on in this world, one has to get up and look for the circumstances they want. And if they cannot be found, they'd rather be made!


He is sunsets by the seashore and long aimless walks and chequered shirts and deep gazes and the smell of cologne so warm and ent...