Wednesday 30 October 2019

Perfect Reality

No one is ever born perfect. 

No one ever dies perfect. 

Broken and chipped, we come and we go.

Beautiful in our imperfections, 

Searching for love to stick together the tethered pieces.

Let go - a song

When nothing makes sense, just breathe and let go. Not everything was meant to make sense anyway.
Love, because that is all that is there
stop running, just stay still for a moment, will you?
and hear your heart beating. just breathe and let go..
not everything was meant to make sense anyway.
look at those sunshine eyes and see the love overflowing
just for you. how lucky that makes you
that love is all that is
the wheels of time are moving
so just stop running and stay awhile, hear the hearts beating... for you
for love is all that is


He is sunsets by the seashore and long aimless walks and chequered shirts and deep gazes and the smell of cologne so warm and ent...