What is that one thing that at times can take years to earn and at times be earned within moments...yet if left neglected can slip away with time, utmost tragically? !

We are born in different families and are brought up in different ways yet we connect so powerfully with certain people, that no differences seem to come in between that sweet bond we share with those special people, our friends!
Truly, real friends are very very hard to come by. Oft, it is so tragic that once we find this treasure, we let them slip through our fingers because we forgot to let them know our new address or became too busy and important to care what happened in their lives.
Letting a friendship grow, unleashes the true beauty of that relationship. And this itself can at times be a lengthy process. The only rule that governs is "being there" which ofcourse often goes unsaid! :)
But then the dilemma is that 'how do we know when we are needed?'
Here commences the real problem. This is when we begin to realise that being a friend requires a little attention from time to time. Having great friends can be a blessing. But being one gives even greater jou.
Don't we all have a wide circle of people whom we contact for some or the other reason: friends who share our beer and bowling nights; friends who join our summer outings; work friends; locality friends. All of these people are a part of that large group of acquaintance we gather along the way.
Long term friends are different. They're those people on whose shoulder you cried, made plans about growing up, shared secrets and even fought! These buddies require and deserve a little loving care.
And then there are these 'You and me against the world' friendships, which are rare; like a treasure buried deep in a sea of casual cordiality. Those friendships don't really need looking after. Meeting after ages, doesn't affect the bond and you pick up easily where you might have left off.
Friendship really is a two way exchange. All it requires is trust and love!
If you have that one special person with whom you share "You and Me Against the World" friendship then you are really lucky because these treasures are hard to come by!
(This post is dedicated to my dearest buddy D...)